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Open Forum participants 
notified of their acceptance. 


4. How many people per course?
5. Will acceptance this quarter mean acceptance next quarter?
6. Is Group Practice accredited?
8. What platform do you use for Open Forum?
1. What does Group Practice Offer?
9. What if I do not have the technology to participate with Group Practice?
10. How can I support Group Practice?
7. How often do classes meet in Open Forum?
11. Yes, we want to collaborate with you!

1. What does Group Practice offer?

At this moment GP offers 3 different initiatives that various individuals can participate in. Those initiatives are:


Open Forum is an interdisciplinary online critique class, offering space for focused conversations around each artist’s work and a shared theme. We offer two formats that vary in commitment and motivation: Community Focus (10 weeks with up to 9 artists) and Interpersonal Focus (6 weeks with up to 4 artists). 

For more information click HERE.


1-on-1's offer individualized support to meet the needs and goals of each artist (application support, art coaching,  portfolio reviews, individual art instruction, etc.).

For more information click HERE.

Group Practice Retreats offer immersive programming for artists looking to expand their community and push their practice into new terrains. Each retreat varies in location and duration, ranging from 4-15 days. The theme for each retreat is inspired by its unique location and integrated into the theoretical and material framework of the experience. Participants can choose from a range of workshops that employ experimental and supportive structures for a

rtists to create and explore together.

For more information click HERE.

2. Who is Group Practice for?

Group Practice is for artists, makers, curators, and doers at every stage of their artistic life (this includes musicians, writers, etc).  At GP we believe in sharing our time and resources in service of our mutual growth as artists. To do this we center collaboration as a means to generate new directions in our practice and as a model for broader collective engagement. 

3. What is the application process for each of the programs offered?

On our application page, you’ll find all the necessary steps to applying and important deadlines. Our application process is very simple and takes about 45 minutes to complete with an application fee of $5 per application.


One-on-Ones are quick 15-minute applications with no fee. You will receive an email from a GP member in 1-2 days. A GP team member will follow up to set up a 15 min in-take meeting to set goals and get the conversation going.

4. How many people per course?

GP offers a range of ways to start building your community. Here is a breakdown of the different types of community each initiative offers:


  1. Open Forum: Community Focus up to 9 individuals; Interpersonal Focus up to 4 individuals.

  2. GP Retreats: 14-17 individuals (location may vary the group number)

  3. 1-on-1’s: 1 individual (you and a representative)

5. Will acceptance this quarter mean acceptance next quarter?

Unfortunately no, however returning students will be in the loop when we post our upcoming sessions or other upcoming events. Another benefit is that once a member of GP you will always have access to our student benefits, such as access to our ever-growing library.

6. Is Group Practice accredited?

Group Practice has no intention of replacing liberal arts education but is a way of continuing life long learning. We believe that non-linear education is essential to producing radical growth for individuals, a community, and our organization.

7. How often do classes meet in Open Forum?

Both Open Forum programs (Community and Interpersonal Focus) meet via zoom once a week. Each session is 3 hours long.

8. What platform do you use for Open Forum and 1-on-1's?

Group Practice uses Zoom to conduct all of our Open Forum and 1-on-1 meet-ups. However don't worry about having an account, facilitators will always have a link for you to join by yourself. 

9. What if I do not have the technology to participate with GP?

At the moment we do not have the capacity to provide our online programs, (Open Forum), for those that do not have the technology. We believe using community resources like your local library can be a viable option.


For One-on-One’s, depending on locality we can arrange to meet up in person. 


With our site specific GP Retreats, there are transportation scholarships available that you can request in the application.

10. How can I support GP?

While GP is not a non-profit organization, we ask those with the means and understanding to support our initiative. Despite doing our best to make sure our program is as inclusive and equitable as possible, every full tuition paid goes towards funding these scholarship opportunities and paying our facilitators a fair wage for their labor.


If you are interested in donating or learning more information please follow the link  HERE.

11. YES, we want to collaborate with you!

Group Practice is always looking for partnerships and opportunities for growth. If you have any ideas please shoot us an email at laying out your idea.

12. Any other questions?

Contact Group Practice at

GP Payment Plan Examples:

Contact Group Practice at

2. Who is GP for?
3. What is the application process for each of the programs offered?
13. GP Payment Plan Examples
12. Any other questions?
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